Electric energy quality
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Certificates: | |
Type AS-3 and AS-3 plus Network Parameters Analyser (Central Office of Measures’ Type Approval) | |
Type AS-3 energia Network Parameters Analyser (Central Office of Measures’ Type Approval) | |
Type AS-3 mini Network Parameters Analyser (Central Office of Measures’ Type Approval) | |
In European countries’ progressing economies electric energy has become a product with specified qualitative and quantitative properties. That in natural way compels measuring and recording of particular parameters, and signalisation of deviations. Most of the parameters have been specified in relevant norms. Control of these parameters allows optimisation of both energy consumption and technical structure of individual installations and loads, and improves economic indexes as a consequence. Making it happen though, is only possible with use of proper measuring equipment and software providing decent information flow. | |
Twelve Electric’s works in this field since 1994 have brought it to development of extremely functional tools in the form of AS-3 network analyser together with dedicated software aiding Power Supply Quality Management. Our solutions are addressed to electric energy consumers, such as: industrial factories, firms or individuals technically responsible for the energy and to continuity maintenance services. | |
Not too much is needed for practical establishing of a system of energy network parameters control. Thanks to its design and functionality, the AS-3 network analyser is enough to control a single test point. Beside measurement of running parameters, it will automatically check if chosen parameters are within the limit, record when did the overflows take place and when did the system return to the norm. If needed, it will signalise alterations using its external output and record the function of instantaneous currents and voltages in the oscilloscope. Our software ensures easy handling of small switchboards, as well as complex and dispersed industrial factories. | |
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